Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I Bake Therefore I Am & Fabulous Bread

It was Rene Descartes (French Philosopher 1596-1650) who said, "I think therefore I am". His style was to doubt everything as a way "to figure out what he could know with absolute certainty". As much as I love Philosophy it is really a luxury-to have an opportunity to pause and ponder about the world. I have baking to do.
I am in test kitchen mode today. I am trying two different carrot cake recipes to see which one I like best.
The baking class I called "Fun & Fabulous Food" started last week. The students are creative, resourceful and good bakers too.
I started the class by sharing Marianne Williamson's famous quote: "We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually who are you not to be?"
This week we will be baking a breakfast bread together. I am sure the bread will turn out fabulous.

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