Saturday, November 12, 2011

Memories, Laughter and Chicken & Corn Tortilla Soup

“When someone dies, you don't get over it by forgetting; you get over it by remembering, and you are aware that no person is ever truly lost or gone once they have been in our life and loved us, as we have loved them.”

― Leslie Marmon Silko

I spent part of last week at a family wake and funeral. Overall, the experience was deeply sad and I can honestly say I learned a lot, was gifted with the pleasure of recalling many memories and besides the nature of the event that brought us all together I did have the opportunity to laugh quite a bit. Laughter is good medicine, especially when it's shared with people I deeply love.
Silko's right it 's by remembering that no person is ever truly lost once they have been in our life and we have loved them.

One memory in particular I enjoyed sharing was of an old family friend who would have us to their home each year on the night before Christmas. It was a big white house set high on the hill. I remember a large hidden attic, a back stair case from the bedrooms down to the kitchen and an old wooden chute that the kids would drop their laundry in. It would turn up in the basement right next to the washing machine. I used to think this was brilliant.

The Mother, a good friend and cousin of my Mom's was an impressive baker. At the end of a large meal the dishes would be cleared and the table would be replaced with all kinds of scrumptious pies, cheesecake and cookies.
After I returned home from the Funeral, I was eager to share food and new memory with friends and family. I made hot rosemary rolls, a Coconut Joy Pie and Chicken & Corn Tortilla Soup. I made a fire in the kitchen fireplace and called a few friends to come over. Late last night, Sophia said the Pie was 'amazing' and Bella said the soup was 'so yummy'!
And either way, the loss of our loved one will remain. Yet, we still must get together, eat good food and make new memories along the way....

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