Sunday, April 6, 2008

Van Gogh, cookies, cookies & more cookies

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."~ Van Gogh

My husband and I went to see a performance last night called "Inventing Van Gogh." It was good-the play was complex but it was done so well that you could easily follow the shifts and turns of the drama.

They're so many sad details about the life of Van Gogh and yet he was incredibly talented and prolific in his painting output-over 400 paintings in ten years. I'd say that's an example of 'great things being done by a series of small things'.

I have been baking cookies each day this week. I am trying new samples to ready myself for summer baking and pulling together samples for a potential client's wedding. Each day I throw into my oven a different recipe-by week's end I have five different samples ready to be tested. These small things brought together have made my family happy this week too. Naturally, they are available to sample taste test for me.

I have samples of chocolate truffle cookies, hazelnut shortbread, super chunky chocolate, white chocolate and sugar cookies. I wouldn't claim this to be 'great' but by baking even a little each day I can stay on top of my baking responsibilities while keeping my family happy too.

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