Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Julie & Julia", Baking for the Teachers & Pumpkin Bread

Last Friday, I snuck away and caught the movie many friends have been encouraging me to see. I thought Julie & Julia was adorable. Meryl Streep makes an excellent Julia Child. I couldn't drive home fast enough to get my oven turned on and try something new. I adore how Julie felt she knew Julia simply from reading her cookbook!

I've decided to meet my daughter for lunch in her school cafeteria today and I have baked one of my famous lemon cake's to share with the staff. They seem to like it when they see me heading to the school with baked goods.

Later today I am going to make the pumpkin bread that I included in my recipe book. It's a good fall day for pumpkin bread. The only problem is the kids eat both loaves in no time. It's hard to resist warm from the oven with a touch of butter.

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