Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dreamy Island Cookies & Going With the Flow!

Each year right around this time I start to talk to my kids about summer plans. I encourage them to find something fun, new and even something they might challenge themselves on. Summer is definitely a time for feeling free and exploring options and trying out things there wasn't time for throughout the school year.

I asked Bella today if she had any interest in helping me with baking for the farm table this summer and she said she definitely was! That made me happy because I really look forward to having the kids around more over the summer.

It's been awhile since I've baked Dreamy Island Cookies and I look forward to getting back into making them. I think they might be my favorite cookie. They taste scrumptious but part of why I like them so much is the spirit around which I created them and the day trip I took with my kids years ago to Martha's Vineyard which inspired them in the first place.

As for going with the flow it never ceases to amaze me how much and how often life nudges (sometimes pushes) us to bend and sway with its lead. Summer's a great opportunity to practice going with the flow. I love heading to the beach when the sun's shining. I often put off things that need to get done simply because it's a great day on Cape Cod and nobody can resist that!

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