Saturday, October 30, 2010

Feeling Frazzled & Comforts of Baking!

This past week it seems as though I've had too many things to get done. When this happens it's easy for me to lose my center and I begin to feel frazzled. I know how important it is for me as a working wife and mother to stay centered because when I'm happy and balanced my family is too.

Yesterday I helped Sophia's First Grade Class put together a Halloween Party, watched the Parade at her School and took her to a Spooky Spaghetti Dinner. She had a blast-- I was exhausted!

Although I'm happy to be there for her and enjoy her activities I find that too much fun for her without a bit of fun for me can leave me feeling drained.

I think it's all about balance. This morning I am taking it easy by enjoying the morning, drinking a cup of hot coffee and relaxing. I have no 'to do' list for right now and it feels great!

As for Comforts of Baking, if you get a chance please check out my article in Cape Cod Magazine's current issue. What I tried to convey was how rewarding spending a little time in your kitchen can be and how much comfort the simple act of baking can bring.

The photography is gorgeous and I cooked the food right here at home in my kitchen and I share some of my favorite holiday recipes.

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