Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Joys of Local Abundance: Pecans & Cranberries

This is a picture of a pecan grove. Our first
house in Dallas had at least thirty of these beautiful trees. One Christmas I gathered as many pecans from my yard as I could find. I shelled, chopped and filled mason jars with them. I sent them back East that year as holiday treats. From my yard alone I filled a dozen or so jars. I love to bake with pecans. They give everything a delightful nutty flavor.
On Cape Cod pecans are super expensive and not nearly as fresh as the ones I used to find in Texas.
On Cape Cod you can find plenty of fresh cranberries though. Since I like to appreciate what the local land provides- last night I decided to brew a concoction of homemade triple cranberry vodka. It has to chill in my fridge for two weeks. Before anyone can taste it to know if it's any good. I wonder which treat my friends will prefer more? For baking, I use pecans in my dreamy island cookies and cranberries in my biscotti.

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